Volume: 47 Issue: 3, 10/19/22

Year: 2022

Research Article



11. The Effects of Gender in Neurological Disorders: A Special Focus on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Thiomersal Toxicity

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to publish the national and international developments in the field of pharmacy, multidisciplinary studies on pharmaceuticals, by articles with high scientific value.

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is peer-reviewed and open-access journal without publication fee published three times a year (April, August, and December) by the Pharmaceutical Sciences Ankara Association (FABAD).

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences accepts original research articles and review articles written in English language dealing with health and related sciences. The target audience of the journal is professionals who are experts in pharmaceutical sciences.

Reviews related to author’s published scientific work which are referenced in the manuscript are preferred. 

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences evaluates original research articles and review articles written in English.

Research Articles

Articles that describe an original, original research with its findings and results. Research articles are expected to be innovative and contribute to science. It consists of research articles, title, abstract (English / Turkish),at least 3 keywords (English / Turkish), introduction, material-method, results and discussion, conclusion and references. Manuscripts should be prepared by using a word processor compatible with Windows (MS Word etc), and including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 20 pages for research articles.


Reviews are studies that provide detailed literature summary on the field of pharmaceutical sciences. Reviews consist of title, abstract (English / Turkish), at least 3 keywords (English / Turkish), introduction, development, conclusion and references sections. Manuscripts should be prepared by using a word processor compatible with Windows (MS Word etc), and including figures, tables and references, should not exceed 30 pages for review articles.

Submission of Manuscript

  • Authors are requested to submit the original manuscript with 2 suggested referees including their e-mail addresses.
  • Please include full contact information-corresponding author’s name, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers and full postal address.
  • The manuscript (title, summary, text, figures, tables, formulas, references) needs to be saved into a single file. Please insert tables, figures and formulas where you want to appear in the manuscript.
  • Articles submitted to the journal must not have been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Revised and accepted manuscripts by referees cannot be withdrawn.
  • If original manuscripts supported from any Institution as a research project, it should be written with the name of the funding source and project number in Acknowledgement.
  • Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be screened with iThenticate anti-plagiarism software in order to determine the similarity ratio and the full report of the program should be submitted to the journal with the manuscript.
  • For animal experiments and clinical trials, authors must indicate the approvals of the relevant regulatory authorities or local ethical committees. The name of the institution and ethical approval number should be given. Related document of ethical approval should be scanned and submitted with the manuscript. For plant materials, herbarium address, number, and name and surname of the person who identified the plant materials should be given.
  • Copyright Transfer Form and Author Checklist should be filled in and sent with the article.

Conflict of Interest: If there is a conflict of interest, it should be stated. in the Title Page. If there is no conflict of interest, "The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest." statement should be used in the main text after Acknowledgement section.

Author Contribution Statement: The contributions of the authors in the study should be briefly explained in the title page (developing hypothesis, experimenting, preparing the study text, reviewing the text, statistics, analysis and interpretation of the data, literature research, etc.).

Main headings (abstract, material-method, result, etc.) should be written without numbers, left justified, in 12 pt, using bold and capital letters. Subtitles should be written in bold, with 12 points. One blank line should be left between the titles and the text. Original articles should be in accordance with the Article Template, not exceeding 20 pages and the reviews should be in accordance with Review Template, not exceeding 30 pages.

Title: The title of manuscript should be written aligned to left with 14 pt, bold, and each word in title should begin with uppercase. Author names and surnames should be written centered 12 pt, names should begin with uppercase, surnames should be written in all uppercase.

Introduction: Introduction should contain a clear statement of the aim and novelty of the study.

Material and Method: Material and methods should be presented in detail.

For animal experiments and clinical trials, authors must indicate the approvals of the relevant regulatory authorities or local ethical committees. The name of the institution and ethical approval number should be given. For plant materials, herbarium address, number, and name and surname of the person who identified the plant materials should be given.

Results an Discussion: The results must be clearly and concisely described with the help of appropriate illustrative material. Discussion should deal with the interpretation of the results and comparison of the results with the previous studies in the literature.

Conclusion: Significant findings can be summarized briefly in a paragraph if found necessary by the author.

Acknowledgement: If necessary, this section should be given at the end of the text, just before references.

References: References must take place immediately at the end of the text and should be given in alphabetical order by first letter of the first author’s surname.

References should be given in the text as author’s name and year where necessary, and two or more references should be arranged in chronological order in parentheses.

According to the ethics rules, quotations should be given in quotation marks in the text and must be mentioned in the references with the source.

For review articles, at least one of the authors should cite at least one article of their owns.

Style of Manuscripts

  • The manuscripts were prepared on standard A4 size paper with 2 cm margins from the top, bottom, right and left. Line spacing is selected as single in the summary/summary parts and 1.5 in all other places.
  • Times New Roman font was used in the manuscripts.
  • The abbreviations used in the manuscript are given in their long form at the first occurrence, and then their abbreviated forms are used.
  • Only the International System of Units (SI) is used in the manuscripts, if different units are required, the SI equivalent is given in parentheses.
  • The manuscript has been saved in two separate files as Title Page and Main Text. Information about the authors is presented only in the Title Page.
  • On the Title Page, the title of the manuscript is left-justified, 14-point, with the first letter of each word capitalized and written in bold letters.
  • On the Title Page, two lines spaces are left after the title of the manuscript, and the names and surnames of the authors are written centered in 12 points, without using the title (all capitalized).
  • In the Title Page, an increasing number of asterisks have been added to the end of each author's surname for author addresses, and the addresses are written in 10 points just below the names according to these asterisks numbers.
  • On the Title Page, the ORCID numbers of the authors are written in 10 points just below the addresses.
  • On the Title Page, the corresponding author(s) are indicated by placing the “°” sign after the asterisks next to their names. The explanation of the “°” symbol is written in 10 font size at the bottom left corner of the page, specifying the corresponding author's name/surname, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address.
  • “Author Contribution Rate Statement” was made using the initials of the authors' names and surnames, in 10 font size, under the ORCID numbers on the Title Page.
  • It has been checked that the Main Text file does not include any information about the authors.
  • Main Text file; consists of title, abstract (English and Turkish), at least 3 keywords (English and Turkish), introduction, material-method, findings and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if applicable), conflict of interest and references.
  • In the Main Text, the title of the article is left-justified, 14-point, with the first letter of each word capitalized and written in bold letters.
  • The abstract of the manuscript is presented in Turkish and English, respectively, after the manuscript title.
  • The title of the abstract (Öz) and (Summary) is written in bold with only the first letter capitalized and in 10 font size.
  • Turkish and English abstracts are written without a title, with a size of 10, italicized, single-spaced, justified and with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 250 words.
  • A maximum of six keywords describing the study area are given in Turkish after the Turkish abstract, and in English after the English abstract, with a single line space left.
  • Keywords should be in italics and 10pts. Keywords must be written in lowercase letters separated with comma (,).
  • Text should be written justified and 1,5 line spaced, leaving a blank line between each paragraph without indent.
  • The main headings in the text, should be justified to left, without numbering, written in bold, 12pts and uppercase
  • Subheadings should be justified to left, without numbering, written in bold, 12pts and first letters uppercase.
  • Before and after a new heading text should be continued leaving a blank line.
  • The text under the headings is written without an indent, and when switching to a new paragraph, text should be continued without indent after leaving a blank line
  • The name of the institution and ethical approval number should be given for animal experiments and clinical trials.
  • For plant materials, herbarium address, number, and name and surname of the person who identified the plant materials should be given.
  • Tables, figures and formulas should be inserted where they wanted to appear in the manuscript.
  • Figures, tables and formulas should be prepared at the highest resolution possible in terms of printing quality.
  • All figures (Figure 1.), tables (Table 1.) and formulas (1) are given in the text using parentheses.
  • Figures should be numbered with names as “Figure 1.” just below the figure centered, bold and 12pts.
  • Tables should be numbered with names as “Table 1.” just above the table aligned to the left, bold and 12pts.
  • All types of equations and formulas were created using computer programs (ChemDraw, etc.), numbered sequentially, numbers written in parentheses (1), justified to the right.
  • If the Figures, Tables and Formulas were taken from a different source, the necessary permissions were obtained by the authors to use and information on this subject was given in the text. Their references should be given in their legends and in References section.
  • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (if any) is given in 12 pts just below the Conclusion part.
  • If the authors received any support during the project, they stated it in the ACKNOWLEDGMENT section. If this support was received with a project, the project number and the supporting institution were written.
  • If there is a Conflict of Interest section, it is stated on the Title Page. If there is no conflict of interest “Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.” expression is used.
  • References are given at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the surname of the first author.
  • If more than one reference is given on a subject in the text, these references are written in order of year within themselves.
    References should be written according to American Psychological Association (APA) -6. For 6th edition of APA, “http://calstatela.libguides.com/ld.php?content_id=39571710” link can be followed. Articles containing references that are not prepared according to APA will not be evaluated.

References should be written according to the following format:

Journals: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names.,…………….., Family name/names of the last author, First letter (capital) of given name/names. (Year), Title of the study, Journal name, Volume, Issue, Page numbers.


Senior, B., & Swailes, S. (2007). Inside management teams: Developing a teamwork survey instrument. British Journal of Management, 18, 138- 153. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8551.2006.00507.x

Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.-Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L.,…Griffin, W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843- 856. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/0022-006X.68.5.843

Harlow, H. F. (1983). Fundamentals for preparing psychology journal articles. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 55, 893-896.

Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(3), 5-13.

Books: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names., Family name/names of the last author, First letter (capital) of given name/names. (Year), Book title, City (Country): Publisher.


Carlson, B.M. (2004). Human embryology and developmental biology. 3th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, 561-564.

Cheers, B., Darracott, R., Lonne B. (2007). Social care practice in rural communities. Sydney, Federation Press.

Alexie, S. (1992). The business of fancydancing: Stories and poems. Brooklyn, NY: Hang Loose Press.

Congress presentations: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names., Family name/names of the last author, First letter (capital) of given name/names. (Year), Title of the study, Congress or Congress Book name, Page numbers, Date, City, Country.


Vande Voorde, J., Balzarini, B., Liekens, S. (2014), Inactivation of Nucleoside-Derived Anticancer Drugs by Catabolic Prokaryotic Enzymes. 23rd Biennial EACR Congress. Munih, Germany.

Internet sources: – Family name/names of authors, First letter (capital) of given name/names. Title of the study, Internet address, Accession date.


FDA. (1982), Digoxin oral solution, https://www. accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/ 2016/021648s009lbl.pdf, Erişim tarihi: 30 Mart 2019.


FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is an open access and peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research and reviews in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

According to the 1976 Copyright Act, all copyrights of the articles accepted for publication belong to the institution that published the journal. The publication and copyright of the articles belong to the journal and no payment is made for the copyright.

Articles submitted to the journal are subject to a formal and scientific preliminary review by the editör in chief/associate editors. Articles that are not written according to the journal rules are not accepted.

The articles that pass the preliminary examination are sent to at least two expert referees by the editor in chief/ associate editors for scientific evaluation.

The publication order of the articles whose evaluation process has been completed and accepted for publication in the journal is decided by the journal editor in chief/associate editors according to the order of arrival of the articles.

Correspondence regarding the evaluation of the article will be made only with the responsible author.

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences complies with ethical rules in accepting and publishing articles. The publication of an article in our journal includes many parties such as author, journal editors, referee. Each party has a responsibility to meet the expected ethical standards at all stages of their participation, from submission to publication.

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in particular the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive published by the Council of Higher Education, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the Medical Journal Editors Council. It accepts and implements the standards and guidelines of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors ICMJE.

An ethics committee report is expected for all human or animal studies to be published.

Human studies seek the principle of conformity with the Principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. In the presence of such studies, the authors are expected to include the date and number of the report they received from the ethics committee of their institution, in the Material and Method section of the article, that they carried out the study in accordance with these principles.

In studies using animals, they should state that they protect animal rights in their studies in line with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals principles and that they have received approval from the ethical committees of their institutions. In the material and method section of the article, they are expected to include the date and number of the report they received from the ethics committees of their institutions that they carried out the study in accordance with these principles.

For herbal materials, the herbarium address, number and the name and surname of the identifier should be given.


All articles submitted to our journal for publication must be scanned by the authors with plagiarism scanning programs. Articles with a similarity rate higher than 20% are returned to the author by the editors.

FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences accepts and applies the following rules of the “SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION ETHICS DIRECTIVE” published by the Council of Higher Education.

Article 4 – (1) Actions against scientific research and publication ethics are as follows:

a) Plagiarism: To present the original ideas, methods, data or works of others as one’s own work, in whole or in part, without citing scientific rules,

b) Fraud: Using data that does not actually exist or that has been falsified in scientific research,

c) Distortion: To falsify research records or obtained data, to present devices or materials that are not used in the research as if they were used, to falsify or shape the research results in line with the interests of the people and institutions that receive support,

d) Republishing: To present the repetitive publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions,

e) Slicing: To present the results of a research as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions by disaggregating the results of a research in a way that violates the integrity of the research and publishing it in more than one issue,

f) Unfair authorship: Including people who do not have an active contribution among the authors or not including those who do, changing the order of authors unjustifiably and inappropriately, removing the names of those who contributed actively from the work in subsequent editions, having their name included among the authors by using their influence even though they do not have an active contribution,

(2) Other types of ethical violations are:

a) Not specifying the people, institutions or organizations that support them and their contributions in the publications made as a result of research carried out with support,

b) To use thesis or studies that have not yet been presented or defended and accepted as a source without the permission of the owner,

c) Not complying with ethical rules in research on humans and animals, not respecting patient rights in their publications,

d) To act against the provisions of the relevant legislation in biomedical researches and other clinical researches related to humans,

e) To share the information contained in a work assigned for review with others before it is published without the express permission of the author,

f) To misuse the resources, places, facilities and devices provided or allocated for scientific research,

g) To allege baseless, unfounded and deliberate ethical violations,

h) To publish the data obtained without obtaining the explicit consent of the participants in surveys and attitude studies conducted within the scope of a scientific study or, if the research will be conducted in an institution, without obtaining the permission of the institution,

i) Harming animal health and ecological balance in research and experiments,

j) Not to obtain written permissions from the authorized units before starting the studies in research and experiments.

k) To carry out studies in research and experiments contrary to the provisions of the legislation or the international conventions to which Turkey is a party, regarding the relevant research and experiments.

l) Failure to comply with the obligation of researchers and authorities to inform and warn those concerned about possible harmful practices related to scientific research,

m) Not to use the data and information obtained from other individuals and institutions in scientific studies to the extent and in the manner permitted, not to comply with the confidentiality of this information and not to ensure its protection,

n) To make false or misleading statements regarding scientific research and publications in academic appointments and promotions.

Editor’s Ethical Responsibilities

In fulfilling their expected duties, the editors should act in a balanced, objective and fair manner, without discrimination based on the gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.

The editor in chief decides on the acceptance or rejection of publications with the help of referees, and associate editors.

The publication order of the articles whose evaluation process has been completed and accepted for publication in the journal is decided by the journal editor in chief/ associate editors according to the order of arrival of the articles.

Editors should seek to select reviewers with appropriate expertise and sound judgment.

In the article acceptance process, if the opinions of the two referees differ, the editor in chief should decide or a decision should be made by taking the opinion of a third referee.

Editors should ensure that the referees understand their responsibilities to make their evaluations in accordance with the principle of confidentiality and impartiality and in a timely manner.

Editors should seek advice from members of the editorial board when there is disagreement between reviewers or between reviewers and authors, or when they think that the article has not been given adequate consideration by the reviewers.

Editors should correct errors in an article before they are published, and publish corrections if they are detected later. All correction or retraction notices must be prominently published in the journal and include full bibliographic reference to the original article or abstract. It should also be listed and prominently labeled on the table of contents (eg, typo, retraction, or apology).

Editors should support authors in citing appropriate literature and peer-reviewed publications.

Editors; is obliged to ensure the protection of the personal data of the subjects included in the publications. Unless the explicit consent of the individuals used in the studies is documented, they are responsible for refusing the study. Editors; are responsible for protecting the individual data of the author, referee and readers.

Editors should not disclose any information about a submitted article to anyone other than the article’s authors, reviewers, prospective reviewers and, as appropriate, the publisher.

In case of a conflict of interest of the authors, the editor in chief may ask the authors to add a statement to this effect to the article before it is reviewed or accepted for publication.

Ethical Responsibilities of Referees

Reviewers should evaluate articles fairly, based on their content, regardless of the author’s gender, race, religion or political views.

Referees should evaluate within the rules of impartiality and confidentiality. Reviewers should not copy or store the article.

The referees should evaluate the article evaluation invitations sent to them according to their expertise and give a timely acceptance/rejection response.

Reviewers should make evaluations to improve the quality of the study and make constructive suggestions for revision.

Referees should avoid personal attacks and harsh language in their evaluations. They should not contact the authors of the article they are reviewing.

Reviewers should inform the editor in chief about the articles they consider to have conflicts of interest.

If they are aware of a situation that prevents the publication of the article, they should contact the editor in chief.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Articles submitted to our journal must be original works that have not been fully or partially published anywhere before.

The thoughts and suggestions in the articles are entirely the responsibility of the authors.

At the end of the article; Each researcher’s contribution to the publication should be briefly described. The authors of the study should have contributed adequately to the design, data collection, analysis and interpretation of the study.

The author(s) should also send the contact information such as the name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail of the person responsible for the correspondence with the article. The corresponding author is responsible for communicating with the journal and informing co-authors. It ensures that all authors contributing to the publication are included in the list of authors, that their order is accepted by all authors, and that all authors are aware of the submission of the article.

Articles submitted to the journal should not have been published in other periodicals or sent for publication. In addition, articles submitted to the journal, evaluated and accepted by the referees, cannot be withdrawn from the journal.

If research articles have received support as a research project from any institution, they should be written in the acknowledgment section with their project numbers.

If any of the authors have a commercial conflict, it should be declared in the “Conflict of Interest” section before the sources.

It is necessary to determine the similarity rate of the articles to be sent to the journal with the iThenticate program, and the report from the program should be sent with the article in full text.

Author(s) may propose a referee to assess and review articles. However, the journal has the right to choose referees other than these recommendations.

The authors are responsible for responding to the criticisms made by the referees through the responsible author and making the necessary changes. If the requested changes are not approved by the authors, the reason should be explained.

After the publication is accepted, the authors can make final corrections through the corresponding author before publication. Corrections other than spelling errors and grammatical errors in articles accepted for publication can only be made with the approval of the editor-in-chief.

Article submission, process operation and publication of the article are free of charge.